Detox Drink Synthetic Urine Permanent Marijuana Detox Kits Heater Pad Pre-Tox Capsules Detoxifying Capsules Total Body Cleanse Single Panel Dip Card 6 Panel Dip Card Saliva Mouthwash Oral Alert Alcohol Test Strips Ultra Cleanse Shampoo
Methamphetamines Synthetic Drugs
Heater PadHeat Factory Synthetic Urine
Synthetic UrineUltra Pure Synthetic Urine
Ultra Cleanse ShampooUltra Klean
Single Panel Dip CardiScreen Single Panel Dip Card
Synthetic Urine Kit (2-ounce Size)

Synthetic Urine Kit (2-ounce Size)


The Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine Kit is premixed laboratory urine designed to protect your privacy during a urinary drug test. The Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine Kit is unisex so a male or female can use it to pass drug tests. To ensure passing a urinalysis, the synthetic urine contains all the ingredients normally found in urine and is balanced for pH, specific gravity, creatinine, and several other urine characteristics. The bottle comes with an attached temperature strip and heating pad to ensure the two ounce sample is at body temperature.

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Synthetic Urine Kit (4-ounce Size)

Synthetic Urine Kit (4-ounce Size)


The Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine Kit 4oz Size is premixed laboratory urine designed to protect your privacy during a urinary drug test. The Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine Kit is unisex so a male or female can use it to pass urine drug tests. To ensure passing a urinalysis, the synthetic urine contains all the ingredients normally found in urine and is balanced for pH, specific gravity, creatinine, and several other urine characteristics. The bottle comes with an attached temperature strip and heating pad to ensure the four ounce sample is roughly at body temperature. This kit is perfect for anyone required to submit multiple urine samples to the lab.

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Synthetic Urine Sample

Synthetic Urine Sample


This synthetic human urine sample is certified to be 100% toxin-free. This synthetic urine is laboratory grade and is used by many facilities to calibrate testing equipment. It is undetectable and contains the same characteristics of human urine (creatine, specific gravity, pH, etc.). Unlike real human urine, this synthetic urine is not a bio-hazard and you cannot contract any infectious diseases. Contains 2 oz. of urine.

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Heater Pad

Heater Pad


The Heat Factory heating pad will help to maintain the proper temperature (95? - 100?) for submitting to the lab.

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Pass a drug test? Tell me more!

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is the most ground breaking, cutting edge product drug testing solution to ever hit the market. The rare technology used in the creation of this incredible drug testing solution is so incredible, we can only say has taken drug testing into near space age advancement. This is the stealth bomber of drug testing solutions!

Beat any drug test

We are near ten year reputation for deploying incredibly effective drug testing solution speaks for itself. We are the worldwide industry leader for helping you pass a drug test, but even the creme de la creme out does themselves -- and that they did with Quick Fix Synthetic Urine. We simply cannot say enough about this awesome product!

Urine drug testing worries? The mega anti-drug test solution has arrived.

While the entire product line is highly effective -- up to 98 percent in most cases -- Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is literally guaranteed for 100% effectiveness each and every amazing time. The revolution has begun.

One package of Quick Fix with heat Pad is designed for one drug test.

Random drug testing?

Will Quick Fix Synthetic Urine with Heat Pad work during a random situation?

Yes, if a few moments of preparation time are available. On the other hand, if a total random situation is sprung, then passing a drug test is simply a matter of being armed beforehand. Quick Fix is guaranteed effective 100% every single time at bat. Drug testing solution's answer to the proverbial grand slam solution.

Drug Test Confidence?

Quick Fix this product to work every single time at 100% efficacy, and back it up with a from 100% to 500% double your money back guarantee.

Drug Testing Success?

The future has arrived, and drug testing will never be the same. Quick Fix is so powerful, the race will be won every time -- period. This means one hundred percent effectiveness.

Drug Test Bottom Line?

Pass any drug test every time is the bottom line. is so confident about this latest incredible breakthrough by , the industry leader in drug testing and drug test solution products, we are extremely delighted to offer it to you at rock bottom prices. When a product this powerful comes along, the war is won before its began.

Drug Testing Tips & Techniques

How Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Works

The Collection Container holds approximately three ounces (90mL) of solution which is the volume required for one test according to standard guidelines. Container has a removable screw cap and wide opening for filling.

This compact container is thin and can be concealed in a pocket or worn under clothing without being noticeable. An easy to ready temperature indicator strip is placed on the container to provide assurance that the temperature of the solution is within the acceptable range of 90 -- 100 degrees F.

This Synthetic synthetic human urine sample is certified to be 100% toxin-free. Said synthetic urine is laboratory grade & is used by many facilities to calibrate testing equipment.

It is undetectable and contains the same characteristics of human urine -- such as creatine, specific gravity, and pH.

Unlike real human urine, this synthetic urine is not a biohazard and you cannot contract any infectious diseases.

The same of human urine is also illegal in SC, TX, NE, and PA. As for synthetic Synthetic urine, this drug testing product is not available for sale in the states of New Jersey, South Carolina, and North Carolina.

The Synthetic Sample does not require refrigeration, freezing, or thawing unlike other similar products that are bulky, unpredictable in result, and demands high maintenance. The Synthetic Sample is unisex for male or female use.

This unique Heat Pad is an ideal heat source. The chemical Heat Pad brings the solution to the acceptable temperature range within seconds, and maintains the proper temperature for approximately 20 minutes.

No microwave is needed. It does not require a cumbersome, expensive battery powered heating device unlike other products. It does not use a heating back (hand warmer) which can take up to one full hour to heat the sample and can cause your skin to burn. Heating pads can also be inaccurate by making the sample too hot or too cold.


Step One

Read all information and instructions carefully before proceeding.

Remove the screw cap from the plastic Collection Container and fill with lukewarm tap water to the top of the temperature strip. The tap water should not be too hot or too cold. Do not dispose of cap.

DO NOT open Synthetic Sample vial until ready for use. DO NOT open Heat Pad vial until ready for use.

The Synthetic Urine and Heat Pad are stable for one year in dry form if not opened.

Step Two

Add entire contents of Synthetic Sample vial to water in Collection Container (the Synthetic Sample can be mixed with water up to six hours prior to use). Within minutes of submitting the sample, add entire contents of Heat Pad vial to solution. Screw cap on Collection Container and gently swirl the contents to completely dissolve Synthetic Sample and Heat Pad.

Caution: NOT for human consumption. Harmful if swallowed. Avoid contact with skin. Keep out of reach of children.

NOTE: This product is not a medical device.

Step Three

Read temperature strip on Collection Container to ensure that solution is within the acceptable temperature range of 90 -- 100 degrees F. Solution MUST be within the proper temperature range of 90 -- 100 degrees F. Due to the temperature variations in tap water when filling Collection Container, if solution is above 100 degrees F, let the solution cool by sitting Collection Container on a flat surface until the temp drops. If solution is below 90 deg. F, keep Collection Container close to your body to raise temperature. Remove screw cap from Collection Container and pour needed amount of solution into sample cup.

Permanent Detox Kit

Urine Drug Testing

Saliva Drug Testing

Hair Drug Testing

Blood Drug Testing

Random Drug Testing

DISCLAIMER: Statements made on this web site are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be substituted for the advice of a medical professional. You should read all product packaging prior to use. Information and statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. We do not condone or encourage illegal activity. You understand and agree that our products are not to be used for any illegal purposes, including use for lawfully administered drug tests. Beat Drug Test, Blood Test, Home Test Kit, How To Pass A Drug Test, Saliva Tests, THC Test, Urine Testing, Clean Zone, Quick Fix (patent pending), , Ultra Klean XL Detox Drink, Carbo Cleansing Shake, Whole Body Cleanse, Ultra Wash, Quick Flush Capsules, Daily Pre-Tox, and Hair Follicle Shampoo are registered trademarks of Health Choice. Please read our Terms and Conditions of Use for additional information.

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